The Young Mothers Program provides comprehensive support for single mothers in crisis situaitons who are graduates of a residential institution or other form of alternative care. Staff members of the Fund help these girls to acquire adequate life skills, form the concept of "healthy relationships in the family," teach them to competently resolve conflict, take responsibility for the fate of future children, give them knowledge about their rights and responsibilities, and introduce them to organizations that protect their interests.
Purpose: to provide psychological, social, medical, and material support to graduates of orphanages and other types of alternative care, to form life skills that allow them to be responsible and caring mothers; to create conditions for preserving the family and preventing internal crisis situations.
Program objectives:
- training in necessary social skills, child care, and working with government organizations;
- prevention of abortions and child abandonment;
- emotional and psychological assistance to the family (interpersonal relations, individual consultations and work with the family, improvement of child-parent relations);
- training in employment skills for the purpose of stable financial support of the family;
- providing financial support to single mothers in crisis situations.
In 2019, the program continued its comprehensive work in the Vladimir and Kostroma regions, with a total of 49 young mothers participating. Employees of the Fund worked to strengthen the program participants' sense of responsibility and undestanding of the role of the family and the importance of educating and raising their children. They were introduced to modern knowledge about parenting and learned how to establish healthy relationships with their children. With such comprehensive support, no mother has abandoned her child, and each mother continues to be engaged in parenting.