Independing Living is a form of social support for female graduates of orphanages who live in an apartment owned by the Fund. The Fund's specialists provide social, professional and psychological support, protect the rights and legitimate interests, and teach independent living skills to the program participants.
Purpose: to Provide psychological, legal, and social support to graduates of orphanages who are studying in technical schools and community colleges during their transition period from residential dependency to independent life.
Program objectives:
1) Development of adequate life skills for orphaned girls and children left without parental care for successful integration into society (self-care at home; interaction with state institutions and organizations; care for their own health, budgeting, career guidance, employment skills, etc.)
2) Increasing the level of social and psychological competence: the formation of generally accepted norms of behavior; the development of skills for building effective communication with others, including those of the opposite sex.
3) Development of personal creative potential, creating the motivation for personal growth.
Currently, the program is being implemented in the Vladimir region, the number of participants – 6 students from among orphaned children. The program gives good results in socialization of graduates of orphanages. All participants have good academic performance, acquire good life skills, such as independent decision-making on social issues, spending money, sanitary and hygienic skills, cooking, applying to public authorities, etc.